// AJB 1/11/2001, cookie.js // (very) Simple cookie handling // Example usage: // var Xcookie = new obiCookie( "LimitArchive", 365 ); // ( First Param is cookie name, second is desired expirey time in days) // // 1. Read Cookie // var theCookie = Xcookie.GetCookie(); // if ( null == theCookie ) // // Cookie does not exist // else // // the cookie value can be taken either // // from the return value or from the .cookieVal property // var x = theCookie; // var x = Xcookie.cookieVal; // // 2. Write Cookie (Expiry time as in object initialisation) // Xcookie.SetCookie( "106" ); // // 3. Delete Cookie // Xcookie.KillCookie(); // // My Type 'obiCookie' // Constructor function obiCookie( theCookieName, theExpireTimeInDays ){ this.CookieName = theCookieName; this.cookieVal = null; this.expireTimeInMs = theExpireTimeInDays * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; } // Methods obiCookie.prototype.GetCookie = function(){ // Look for our named cookie var i = document.cookie.indexOf( this.CookieName + "=" ); if ( -1 != i ){ var e = document.cookie.slice( i ).indexOf( ";" ); this.cookieVal = document.cookie.slice( i+this.CookieName.length+1, (-1 != e)?e:document.cookie.length ); return this.cookieVal;} return null; } obiCookie.prototype.SetCookie = function( Value ){ var expireDate = new Date(); expireDate.setTime( expireDate.getTime() + this.expireTimeInMs ); var cookietext = this.CookieName + "=" + Value + "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString(); document.cookie = cookietext; this.cookieVal = Value; } obiCookie.prototype.KillCookie = function(){ var expireDate = new Date(); document.cookie = this.CookieName + "=0" + "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString(); this.cookieVal = null; } obiCookie.prototype.GetValue = function(){ return this.cookieVal; }