AndyB's Blog Archive Templates

Here you can find the most recent version of my Blogger Archive javascript scripts. The previous version(s) are found here. And you can view the lastest version in action here in my blog.

Important: Phil Ringnalda has done a lovely point'n'click Blogger Archive Script Generator loosely based on some of my code. It's probably the best way to get this functionality if you're not a script monkey yourself. :-)

The archive script presented here is designed for use with a weekly archive scheme. Points to note:

Disclaimer: As far as I'm concerned this code is in the public domain, if you do use it, a credit would be nice, but is not necessary. Whatever happens, if you use this software I am not responsible.

Single File Setup

[Download] the single file and save it to disk somewhwere. In the file edit line 185 to change the value "blogarc" to your archive prefix. Bit clunky, I know, I know. Now upload the template to your blogger configuration, Be sure to take a backup of your previous script!. In your Blogger template (make a backup first!) add the following line into the <head> section:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="blogarc.html"></script>

where blogarc.html is the name of your archive file.

Add the following where you want the archive listing to be displayed

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
WriteArchiveSection( BlogInfo );
If you want simply (or additionaly) previous/next archive links you can call the WriteArchiveBottom() function.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

3 File Setup

[Download blogarc.html] and treat this as with the Single File setup. This script is purely for the data collection. The meat and potatoes are in the files [cookie.js] a general cookie class you might be able to re-use and [blogarc.js] is the bloggy archivey stuff. These two files will need to be stored externally and linked to your Blogger template file BEFORE you include the blogarc.html file. In the <head> section would be a good place.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="cookie.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="blogarc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="blogarc.html"></script>

where blogarc.html is the name of your archive file. In the blogarc.js file edit line 116 to change the value "blogarc" to your own archive prefix. Finally modify the Blogger Template as detailed in the Single File instructions.

If in doubt, just use your browser's "view source" facility to see how I've done it in my site

Here's the code:

File: blogarc.html

// (c)2002 A J Buchanan. Blogger populated data structure

var count=0;
var BlogInfo = new Array();
BlogInfo[count++] = new BlogArchiveEntry( 
    "<$BlogArchiveLink$>" , "<$BlogArchiveName$>" );

// Other Data
var defaultlimit = 5;

// Limited Processing - Need list sorted 

function bi_comp( a, b ){
    return -a.Compare( b );

BlogInfo.sort( bi_comp );

File: cookie.js

// AJB 1/11/2001, cookie.js
// (very) Simple cookie handling

// Example usage:
// var Xcookie = new obiCookie( "LimitArchive", 365 );
// ( First Param is cookie name, second is desired expirey time in days)
// 1. Read Cookie
// var theCookie = Xcookie.GetCookie();
// if ( null == theCookie )
//        // Cookie does not exist
// else
//        // the cookie value can be taken either
//        // from the return value or from the .cookieVal property
//        var x = theCookie;
//        var x = Xcookie.cookieVal;
// 2. Write Cookie (Expiry time as in object initialisation)
// Xcookie.SetCookie( "106" );
// 3. Delete Cookie
// Xcookie.KillCookie();

// My Type 'obiCookie'

// Constructor
function obiCookie( theCookieName, theExpireTimeInDays ){
    this.CookieName = theCookieName;
    this.cookieVal = null;
    this.expireTimeInMs = theExpireTimeInDays * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

// Methods
obiCookie.prototype.GetCookie = function(){  
    // Look for our named cookie
    var i = document.cookie.indexOf( this.CookieName + "=" );
    if ( -1 != i ){
        var e = document.cookie.slice( i ).indexOf( ";" );
        this.cookieVal = document.cookie.slice( 
            (-1 != e)?e:document.cookie.length );
        return this.cookieVal;}
    return null;

obiCookie.prototype.SetCookie = function( Value ){
    var expireDate = new Date(); 
    expireDate.setTime( expireDate.getTime() + this.expireTimeInMs );

    var cookietext = this.CookieName + "=" + Value + 
        "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString();
    document.cookie = cookietext;
    this.cookieVal = Value; 

obiCookie.prototype.KillCookie = function(){
    var expireDate = new Date(); 
    document.cookie = this.CookieName + "=0" + 
        "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString();
    this.cookieVal = null; 

obiCookie.prototype.GetValue = function(){
    return this.cookieVal;

File: blogarc.js

// AJB 28/10/2001 Better Archive Listings
// Last Update 3/8/2002

// My Type 'BlogArchiveEntry'
function BlogArchiveEntry( theLink, theName  )
    this.Link = theLink;
    this.Name = theName;
    // Extract Date from Name, Yuk!
    // 09/30/2001 - 10/06/2001
    this.StartDate = new Date( this.Name.slice(6,10), 
        this.Name.slice(0,2)-1, this.Name.slice(3,5) );
    this.EndDate = new Date( this.Name.slice(13+6,13+10),
        this.Name.slice(13+0,13+2)-1, this.Name.slice(13+3,13+5) );

BlogArchiveEntry.prototype.Compare = function( rhs ){
    if ( this.StartDate == rhs.StartDate )
        return 0;
    else if ( this.StartDate > rhs.StartDate )
        return 1;
        return -1;

BlogArchiveEntry.prototype.MakeLink_UKShort = function(){
    var newName = this.StartDate.getDate()
        + "/"+(this.StartDate.getMonth()+1) 
        + "/"+this.StartDate.getFullYear();
    var outString = "";

    if ( -1 != location.href.indexOf( this.Link ) ){
        // No Link, this is our page!
        outString = "<span class='selected'>" + newName + "</span>";
    } else     {
        // Link
        outString = "<a href='" +
            this.Link + "'>" +
            newName + "</a>";
    return outString;

BlogArchiveEntry.prototype.MakeLink_Normal = function(){
    var outString = "";
    if ( -1 != location.href.indexOf( this.Link ) ) {
        // No Link, this is our page!
        outString = this.Name;
    } else     {
        // Link
        outString = "<a href='" +
            this.Link + "'>" +
            this.Name + "</a>";
    return outString;

// Short/Long listing selection
function ShowAll(){
    var cookie = new obiCookie( "LimitArchive", 365 );
    cookie.SetCookie( 0 );
    location.href = location.href;

function ShowSubset( HowMany ){
    var cookie = new obiCookie( "LimitArchive", 365 );
    cookie.SetCookie( HowMany );
    location.href = location.href;

// Locate URL in list of archives
function FindIdx( myURL ){
    for ( var n=0; n<BlogInfo.length; n++ )    {
        if ( -1 != myURL.indexOf( BlogInfo[n].Link ) )
            return n;
    return -1;

// Make Archive Link Functions
function MakePreviousArchiveLink( myURL, AnchorText )
    var idx;
    if ( -1 == ( idx = FindIdx( myURL )) ) return null;
    if ( 0 == idx ) return null;
    if (( null == AnchorText ) || ( "" == AnchorText ))
        return BlogInfo[idx-1].MakeLink_UKShort();
        return "<a href='" + BlogInfo[idx-1].Link 
            + "'>" + AnchorText + "</a>";

function MakeNextArchiveLink( myURL, AnchorText )
    var idx;
    if ( -1 == ( idx = FindIdx( myURL )) ) return null;
    if ( (BlogInfo.length-1) == idx ) return null;

    if (( null == AnchorText ) || ( "" == AnchorText ))
        return BlogInfo[idx+1].MakeLink_UKShort();
        return "<a href='" + BlogInfo[idx+1].Link 
            + "'>" + AnchorText + "</a>";

function MakeFirstArchiveLink( AnchorText )
    if (( null == AnchorText ) || ( "" == AnchorText ))
        return BlogInfo[0].MakeLink_UKShort();
        return "<a href='" + BlogInfo[0].Link 
            + "'>" + AnchorText + "</a>";

function WriteArchiveSection()
    document.write( "<ul>" );
    var isIndexPage = ( -1 != location.href.indexOf( "index.html" ) );
    var isArchivePage = ( -1 != location.href.indexOf( "blogarc" ) );
    var thisIndex = FindIdx( location.href );
    // Show Link for Home Page, if this is an archive Page
    if ( !isIndexPage )
        document.write( "<li><a href=\"./\">" 
            + "Current Posts</a></li></ul><ul>" );

    //    Next/Previous Links
    var navlink="";
    var wrotelink=false;
    if ( navlink = MakeNextArchiveLink( location.href, "Previous Week" )){
        document.write( "<li>" + navlink + "</li>" );
    if ( navlink = MakePreviousArchiveLink( location.href, "Following Week" )){
        document.write( "<li>" + navlink + "</li>" );
    if ( true == wrotelink ) document.write( "</ul><ul>" );
    // Work out extents of listing
    var startindex = 0;
    var limit = 0;
    var limitArchiveCookie = new obiCookie( "LimitArchive", 365 );
    if ( null == limitArchiveCookie.GetCookie() )
        limitArchiveCookie.SetCookie( defaultlimit );
    limit = Number(limitArchiveCookie.GetValue());

    if ( 0 != limit ){    // Showing a subset around the current archive file
        if ( -1 == thisIndex )
            startindex = 0;    // but this is not an archive page, so don't!
            startindex = Math.round( thisIndex - (limit/2) );
        limit += startindex;
    else    // Showing whole lisiting
        limit = BlogInfo.length;
    // Clamp selected region to ends
    if ( startindex < 0 ){
        limit -= startindex;
        startindex = 0;
    if ( limit > BlogInfo.length ){
        startindex -= (limit-BlogInfo.length);
        limit = BlogInfo.length;

    // The Archives
    for ( var n=startindex; n<limit; n++ )
        document.write( "<li>" 
            + BlogInfo[n].MakeLink_UKShort()
            +"</li>" );
    // Archive Length Options
    if ( 0 == limitArchiveCookie.GetCookie() )
        document.write( "<li><a href=\"javascript:ShowSubset(defaultlimit);\">"
            +"[Show Less]</a></li>" );
        document.write( "<li><a href=\"javascript:ShowAll();\">"
            +"[Show All]</a></li>" );
    document.write( "</ul>" );

function WriteArchiveBottom()
    //    Next/Previous Links
    var navlink="";
    var wrotelink=false;
    if ( navlink = MakeNextArchiveLink( location.href, 
	     "[<< Previous Week]" ))
        document.write( navlink );
    if ( navlink = MakePreviousArchiveLink( location.href, 
        "[Following Week >>]" ))
        document.write( (wrotelink?"  ":"") + navlink );
    if ( !wrotelink )
        document.write( MakeFirstArchiveLink( "[<< Archives]" ) );
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